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Books, Stories, and Poems

For most of my life, I have had a pen in my hand. Over the last few years I have started taking on bigger projects, including publishing my first book in June 2021. On this page you will find a small collection of my short stories, poems, and a link to purchase my memoir, Canned Soup in a Walmart Parking Lot

"Canned Soup in a Walmart Parking Lot"
Available in paperback and ebook

After suffering a spinal injury and concussion, a recent high school graduate leaves home to prove something to himself and to find his way in a hectic and confusing world. Alex's four-month road trip takes him all over the Western United States and into the Western Canadian Provinces, spanning about 13,000 miles. Along the way he sees many natural wonders, narrowly avoids death, experiences malnutrition, learns about himself and his limits, is shown kindness and generosity from the strangers he encounters, and eats his share of canned soup while camping in Walmart parking lots. This memoir explores a transition into manhood, philosophical questions, death, and life, without pulling any punches.

Canned Soup in a Walmart Parking Lot Cover.jpg
Alex Bergland Radio InterviewKFOH Radio
00:00 / 35:58
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